In Our Day

Positioning your life for renewal, revival, and the coming move of God.

God is moving on the earth right now, and we can all be a part of it! The current outpourings, revivals, and epicenters of the power and presence of God are the results of years of intercession and anticipation. God’s people are crying out for a much-needed move of the Holy Spirit in our land. Although we cannot manipulate, orchestrate, or schedule a move of God, we can position our lives to be a part of it. Within the message of this book, from the ancient prophet Habakkuk, you will discover some keys and ways to be right in the middle of all God is doing in these days. As you prayerfully read these pages, join me in lifting up this cry, “Lord, don’t pass us by … revive us again… and do it in our day.”

Video from Pastor Dave

