Simply let us know you are taking the challenge by filling out the "Take the Challenge" form below.
Begin tithing (giving the first 10%) of your income to God. Commit to doing this the full 90 days. You can give via cash, check, or securely online.
We get it, tithing is a step of faith. Over the 90 days our pastoral team will walk you through what the Bible says about why we tithe.
Why we tithe
Are you ready to take the Tithe Challenge?
Take The ChallengeHow do I take the 90 Day Tithe Challenge?
Taking the challenge is as easy as signing up using the link on this page. Your 90-day challenge will then begin the following day. Throughout the challenge you will receive content (via the email address used during setup) to encourage you throughout your journey.
When does the 90 Day Tithe Challenge start?
After you fill out the challenge sign-up form, your challenge begins the next day.
Can I receive a tax benefit while taking the challenge?
Yes! The Father’s House is 100% non-profit organization. When you give you receive a tax benefit. TFH records your giving records and at the end of each year provides a giving statement for when you file your taxes.
Messages on tithing from previous years
If you have any questions about the Tithe Challenge, please feel free to email [email protected]